Acupuncture is recommended for pregnant women who want to avoid drugs to ease morning sickness or relieve stress. However, the star who once said that she would not try facelift for her beauty treatment might be using acupuncture to maintain her beauty because the needles were stuck on her face, including her cheeks.
Martha Lucas Ph.D LAc said in WebMD, "Acupuncture is designed to free up chi, or energy. When the needles - approximately 30-40 - are applied to the body and face, production of collagen and elastin may be stimulated, which results in the skin looking 'plumped up.' It helps your own body create a more youthful appearance." She added, "Cosmetic acupuncture is a good alternative for women who don't want the side effects associated with a surgical facelift."
Read more: http://www.aceshowbiz.com/news/view/00058915.html#ixzz2OfJVbl8J
I highly recommend cosmetic acupuncture and facial rejuvenation for women seeking a more natural way of maintaining their youthful appearance, as well as chiropractic and regular acupuncture for a safe, natural alternative to drugs. Learn more about facial acupuncture.