Compression stockings, or Medical gradient compression hosiery, promotes better venous flow (blood moving in the veins back to the heart) which helps control swelling, varicosities, leg fatigue and other problematic leg conditions.
Venous disease is progressive. If left undiagnosed and untreated, minimal symptoms may result in a more serious condition. Symptoms range from an achy, heavy feeling and pain in the leg to edema (swelling), discolouration, skin changes and ultimately to a skin ulcer. Who should wear compression stockings? People who have or are experiencing any of the following conditions can benefit from wearing gradient compression hosiery: A variety of styles in updated fashion shades are available so you can look AND feel good.
Compression Therapy"Sometimes after a hard day, your legs feel as though they have about as much zip as if you were a napping cat. They feel heavy, they feel tired, and the only thing you want your legs to do is hang out on the ottoman. One solution: socks or stockings that compress your feet, calves and thighs. Besides giving you the benefit of decreasing the chance of developing varicose veins, these stockings after a day of wear will make your legs feel stronger and more well rested. How? They decrease the pooling of blood in your legs, letting your heart function better."